[Dad’s Special] The Japanophile Babah (than me)


Babah, who is (kinda) obsessed with Japan more than I am. Who would have thought. The ‘Babah’ who doesn’t even like Japanese food. Or even very hard to please when it comes to traveling. He is now savvier than I am about things in Japan and I kinda feel intimidated haha. Now, he cannot help to compare everywhere in the world with Japan. And he basically is looking forward for our next Japan trip more than I am.


One of the few pictures of Babah and I together. Resting by the river at Kitakami Tenshochi Sakura Festival in 2015.

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[Ramadhan Special] Projek Usrah ABRAR- Lets Write!

Ahlan Ya Ramadhan!

Ramadhan write

Credit: We<3It

It’s already almost a week into the blessed month, and alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah, we are still privileged by Him to make the most out of the month to gain His Forgiveness & Blessings. Moreover, it is also a good time to develop good habits, either in term of our manners (Akhlaq) or even our skills.  

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Si Muka Tebal in Cambodia

‘Muka Tebal’ is a ‘simpulan bahasa’ an idiom in Bahasa Malaysia that can be literally translated into ‘thick-skinned’ in English and yep, it has exactly the same meaning. In general IMO these phrases give off negative connotation of being insensitive to one’s surrounding (in the way KY or 空気読めない in Japanese) or ‘tidak tahu malu’. But surprisingly I like the definition given in dictionary.reference.com, which translates it as ‘not easily upset or affected’. It is somehow uplifting since after my last solo-trip to Cambodia & Vietnam, I found myself being more & more ‘muka tebal’.


‘Si Muka Tebal’ enjoying her colorful adventure in Cambodia!

My last trip to Cambodia/Vietnam was not my first time traveling solo, well it was never meant to be one until my brother had to cancel it due to work. I have traveled a few times on my own in Australia & Japan. However, that trip made me realized I am ‘Si Muka Tebal’ & got me addicted to solo-backpacking.

「自省」Travel-Reflection 2015

Sneak Peak! - Good things come to those who continue to work hard with sabr (patience) and shukr (gratitude)

Sneak Peak! – Good things come to those who continue to work hard with sabr (patience) and shukr (gratitude)


Ah, it’s been a loooooong time since my last post (almost 5-month of update-procrastination!). Since the last post, many things happened, whether within or beyond our control. Things that may or may not affect our lives.

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Thinking 2015 – Wanderer Style

Year 2014 passes so fast that we are now at its tail end. It has been a year of transitions for me, professionally, emotionally, spiritually (?) and to some extent physically. I jumped from being a Master student, to a wanderer, and back to a 8-5 office worker. Every transition affected me emotionally. Especially during the early months I was back in the office.

Yet, now I am (forced to be) ready for 2015, with more responsibilities given, whether at work or in activism. Being a (predominantly) thinker-self,  I cannot help but to chart my 2015 to the T, especially for my globetrotting plan.

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