「自省」Travel-Reflection 2015

Sneak Peak! - Good things come to those who continue to work hard with sabr (patience) and shukr (gratitude)

Sneak Peak! – Good things come to those who continue to work hard with sabr (patience) and shukr (gratitude)


Ah, it’s been a loooooong time since my last post (almost 5-month of update-procrastination!). Since the last post, many things happened, whether within or beyond our control. Things that may or may not affect our lives.

Late last year, I shared my traveling plan for 2015 (HERE). As much as we plan, what are bound to happen will happen vv. I am very meticulous when it comes to get things done according to the ‘taqwim’ but I also believe that Allah has much bigger and better planning in store for us:

وَمَكَرُوا وَمَكَرَ اللَّهُ وَاللَّهُ خَيْرُ الْمَاكِرِينَ

And they planned and Allah (also) planned, and Allah is the best of planners [Holy Quran, 3 : 54]

Below are the key plans and how they have progressed up to August 2015:

    1. Japan in Spring’15 (日本の春’15)
      成功! (success)
      Alhamdulillah we managed to do it well and will share a dedicated post (or two!) for our trip to Japan in Spring 2015.
    2. Mt. Kinabalu Expedition
      猶予! (postponed)
      My friend and I tried to get our slots during Gawai holidays but failed. And with the arrangement of Allah, it was exactly the same time the earthquake happened in Ranau & Kinabalu area in Sabah. Condolences to the victims and affected families. I pray for quick and safe recoveries of the affected people and places. I still hope to go one fine day, insyaAllah…

      Reminder for Myself (cto)

      Reminder for Myself (cto)

    3. Volunteer Program
      猶予! (postponed)
      I have done some researches from my friends who had experienced volunteering abroad. But, I still cannot find the suitable program and enough time from my permanent job. Moreover, with the huge decline of MYR value against USD, I have to postpone with heavy heart my plan to visit the Balkan countries. So for now, I am sticking to volunteer activities at home.

Although one third of my 2015 plan had to be deferred, my passionate self won’t allow it affects my rejuvenation need (for traveling). It may be slower than years before but definitely it’s gonna be worth it. I will share my emergency travel plan in the next post. InsyaAllah!

Till then!

I am offering travel-planning service for independent travel to countries that I have visited (HERE) . Check out HERE for more info!

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