[Ramadhan Special] Projek Usrah ABRAR- Lets Write!

Ahlan Ya Ramadhan!

Ramadhan write

Credit: We<3It

It’s already almost a week into the blessed month, and alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah, we are still privileged by Him to make the most out of the month to gain His Forgiveness & Blessings. Moreover, it is also a good time to develop good habits, either in term of our manners (Akhlaq) or even our skills.  

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Thinking 2015 – Wanderer Style

Year 2014 passes so fast that we are now at its tail end. It has been a year of transitions for me, professionally, emotionally, spiritually (?) and to some extent physically. I jumped from being a Master student, to a wanderer, and back to a 8-5 office worker. Every transition affected me emotionally. Especially during the early months I was back in the office.

Yet, now I am (forced to be) ready for 2015, with more responsibilities given, whether at work or in activism. Being a (predominantly) thinker-self,  I cannot help but to chart my 2015 to the T, especially for my globetrotting plan.

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Noor The Backpacker (2)- Destination Next!

The Majestic Al-Hambra from Afar

The Majestic Al-Hambra from Afar

Getting the right destination for your upcoming adventure is not an easy feat. Especially if you are a middle class (like me) but dreams big (like me). With so many responsibilities in hand and so little time and money, prioritizing is the only way to compromise.

Alhamdulillah, with Allah’s abudant bestowals, my family and I have travelled to quite a few places around the globe and the destinations were mostly decided by ME! If you are a hardore traveller like I am, you may do these things during your free time or when you are stressed at work (at least I am): (1) checking the national holidays for next year and plan for annual leave; (2) googling the world map to choose the destination up next!

This is how it works with our family to get the proposal ‘Destination Next!’ thru: Continue reading

‘Noor The Backpacker’ Series- Introduction

The Light of 'Noor' - An Inspiration in My Lifr credit to Sakkal Design (sakkal.com)

The Light of ‘Noor’ – An Inspiration in My Life
-credit to Sakkal Design (sakkal.com)

Following the ‘Traveling Tips for Muslimah’ series, I decided to revise the name to reflect my travel style better, which consequently influence the tips and advices, and to emphasise on my aim to show to the world (that is what I hope) how liberating being a ‘Noor’ is (as one of typical name of Muslim women), not only physically, but also mentally and spiritually.  Continue reading