The OZ Series (2)- Sydney’s Coastal Walks (Track 1-Bondi Beach to Watson Bay)


The Glorious Cliff Walk

The Glorious Clifftop Walk

Sydney was not my first choice for a place I would like to stay for a valuable one-year of unpaid leave. I prefered Melbourne due to some reasons. For me, Sydney was pretty much like Auckland (where I stayed for 3.5 years) with respect to its hilly geography, its coastal position and its function as the central business city of the repsective country. Given the limited choice of university I was able to choose due to the duration of unpaid leave allowed, I ended up in Sydney for 1 year. And that was when I started to discover the valuable gem of Syndey: BEACHES!

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‘Noor The Backpacker’ Series- Introduction

The Light of 'Noor' - An Inspiration in My Lifr credit to Sakkal Design (

The Light of ‘Noor’ – An Inspiration in My Life
-credit to Sakkal Design (

Following the ‘Traveling Tips for Muslimah’ series, I decided to revise the name to reflect my travel style better, which consequently influence the tips and advices, and to emphasise on my aim to show to the world (that is what I hope) how liberating being a ‘Noor’ is (as one of typical name of Muslim women), not only physically, but also mentally and spiritually.  Continue reading

The OZ Series (1)- Studying Holiday

My journey as a PG student in IR started here!

My journey as a PG student in IR started here!

It has never crossed my mind to continue my higher education in Australia. Studying and living in New Zealand for 3.5 years left some impressions of the neighbouring country with all the rivalry in rugby, netball (awesome!), the claim on who-have-more-sheeps and few more. I was not even bothered to plan a trip to Aussie while I was in NZ unless it is free *cough*petronas interview*cough*. Continue reading